This page has an explanation of what poof poof is in the Lundi ecosystem.

To start, "poof poof" and "poof" will be used interchangeably throughout every document.

Many creatures around Algorand love collecting poof. They usually like to drop it off on your dresser, or sometimes they accidentally drop it in your food, but you cannot fault them as they are just learning like the rest of us (plus it isn't too hard to put it into a wallet). There isn't too much known as to why Lundi, State Pooofs, Monsti & others like to gather poof for their owners so much. Some theories have arose but none have gained any good traction, for now we will leave this up to the smarter animals.

To clarify for anyone that did not follow, Poof is a utility token under the Lundi ecosystem. It does not have any monetary value (see the next page for a disclaimer).


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